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Why punishment has no role to play in pain giving …

Well coiffured gray hair Tall frame, elegant neck Soft small …

well it is Friday night and I have just finished …… Reading the above post, the comment thread that it …

last night I dreamed that I had you tied down …

you know exactly what you are doing wearing that short …

We had been going out for quite some time. Typically, …

it started slowly a mere brushing of lips over lips …

and so finally I dare reach over and touch my …

I can remember making out for hours and walking home …

Erotic Stories and Verse

For the women in my life who have inspired, comforted, pleasured, and thrilled me with the gift of sexual intimacy.

I have so much learned from you.I have grown from a fumbling teenager to a mature man who loves sensuality.  Some of you have guided me as I discovered sides of my sexuality that I would have never thought I had as a breathlessly  experiencing young person.

I  write erotic short stories and poems to celebrate these journeys of discovery and these gifts of physical pleasure and joy. Some of stories and poems are based on my own experiences. Some come on the experiences of friends, shared through a level of open talk that I found amazing. Some are just figments of my imagination, based reading erotica, a genre which has become more more liberated in the last 2 decades.

Sensuality, sex, the  joy of life, and the energetic fulfillment that comes with  interacting emotionally and physically with an equal other have been and still are an important part of my life.

As a straight male, much of my sexuality expresses itself visually. My photography as become more sensual over the years. I continue to enjoy looking, as much as I am enthralled by expressing this side of my self in words. Seeing the grace with which women hold and move their bodies fills me with joy.